Nexgen Marketing posted on May 28, 2018

Excels and power points are used extensively by everyone around the world. Naturally, there is a large user base who use excel and ppts for creating planograms also. Though having a high magnitude of user base, there are a few features an excel or ppt lacks while creating planograms. They do have limitations when it comes to dealing with large amount data and specific metrics.

In this blog, we are going to talk about the limitations excels and retail ppts have and how a more advanced easy planogram tool can help in filling those gaps.

A planogram software is a tool specifically dedicated to do planogramming or space planning. A simple planogramming tool is easy to learn and use just like excel and ppt and comes with many other features which can make the process of planogramming much easier. Let’s do a comparison of creating planograms using an excel or ppt and a planogram software.

  • One of the most significant limitations of excel and retail power point is that they do not guarantee data integrity. A user who has access to the excel or ppt can easily make changes in the planogram. Data integrity is undeniable in the case of planograms and is guaranteed by an easy planogram software, which is much advanced with respect to data security.
  • Excels and power points do not have inbuilt access control whereas a planogram software provides this feature without fail.
  • Excels and retail ppts lack data validation of planograms that you enter and hence data quality is not guaranteed when you are creating a shelf space plan. Since an easy planogram is a software specifically designed for creating planograms, it’s easy to find out any error in the data.
  • When planograms are created on ppt or excel it is not created on actual scale of measurement. Fields like shelf size, height, width and the like are entered merely based on approximation. But in Nexgen POG, the easy planogram, you can create shelves and rows based on actual measurement. Products can also be placed according to actual measurement. Planogram created will be on actual scale which can be used directly for execution.
  • Planograms made on excels and retail ppts builds on to become hundreds of MB size and can be clumsy. A simple planogram not only allows you to have control over the size and accessibility of planogram but also provides the comfort of creating calculated plans rather than making assumptions.
  • Easy planogram software like Nexgen POG provide features for exporting planogram to images and PDF files formats where as in excel and retail ppt, you may need the help of plugins or manually do the conversion.
  • When planogram created on excel or retail ppt is shared across the organization, it tends to have various versions and keeping track of the final changes made can be time consuming and non-productive. Since planogram tools like Nexgen POG allows creating planograms using individual user accounts, this issue can be avoided.

Excels and power points are easy to use and we are very familiar with these tools. However, with the tremendous growth of technology, it’s time that we move our planogramming to more advanced but easy tools like Nexgen POG!

Nexgen POG helps you save time on planogramming and also provides accurate shelf space plans. It’s never late to start planogramming on Nexgen POG. Get your free trial now!

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